Feb 13, 2012

life's little encounters...

I took Shawn and friends to a dance the other night, in West Virginia of all places! One of the teenagers at this dance lived near us about 12 years ago...I was chatting with her and her friend for quite a while. I learned a lot about the friend, Amanda, while we were all talking. She told me how she had taught herself gymnastics, and to dance. She showed me a dance routine she had been working on in her room. Pretty amazing. Then she showed me some of her gymnastics flips, that she had taught herself. Again, amazing. Then she sang a few lines of her favorite songs. again, amazing.

This girl has no idea how incredible she is. She is self taught, doesn't participate in any after school stuff because she doesn't have a ride home. I was very impressed. I asked if she had anything posted online, and she referred me to this video from when she was 11. She is now 14 or 15,...you can imagine how much better this little self taught girl has gotten...not the best quality, but enjoy...

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