I was told that when kids enter middle school they "find" themselves, and in the process, distance themselves from their parents. This never happened with Shawn and Alex..In 10th and 8th grade, they still ask me to chaperon field trips, attend their activities, and like to have me on hand just in case. To my surprise, this week marked a new era in mommyhood for me, I finally have a middle schooler who followed the pattern that I have heard other parents talk about.
I was the last adult to get there, so I got stuck with the "crappy bunk" that was in the room with Melissa and 7 other girls. as I was putting my stuff away, Melissa tried to kick me out! I told her that this was the last bed left in our cabin and I had to sleep on it. She insisted that I couldn't sleep in the room with her and her friends! really?!?! you want me to sleep on the floor? I wasn't alone, the other moms had tried to sleep in there with their daughters and they had all been kicked out as well...we compromised, they kept the door shut and I stayed out unless it was sleeping time...
Every activity Melissa politely asked me to step back and leave her and her friends to themselves...
At mealtime I took the hint and I was going to go sit at a table with my friends. Melissa informed me that ONE adult had to sit at each table, and that "it might as well" be me to sit with her and her friends because they HAD to have an adult with them...I was also elected to be the token adult who walked the girls to wherever they needed to go...fishing, to the showers, wherever...I was their "minute to win it" coach and was "on hand" if they absolutely needed an adult...
It was bitter sweet, my baby girl really doesn't need me, but she has come into her own, socially, physically and emotionally. She is becoming an incredible young woman
My young woman in her waders getting ready to go fishing in the bay,

Melissa learning yoga...

Oh, that is so sad! It was bound to happen though. I guess it means that she is growing up and you have taught her well. It sound like a fun trip, though.
I've found the same thing my son...he still grabs my hand where ever we walk and loves having me around. I'm sure Tatiana will be more like Melissa. Sigh.
But it totally looks like you all had fun! I loved outdoor ed!
Your outdoor ed looks like more fun than ours. As for Melissa, I hope she wants to be around grandma some of the time.
Oh, that time comes too fast, doesn't it? I guess it is good that they are independent, but it feels strange, doesn't it?
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