Jul 21, 2010

Postcard style

*note to readers* This post is intended for Dale, you can feel free to read it also, but please understand that my sweet, wonderful husband who is holding down the fort in Maryland has a short attention span and so a post for him has to be much different than one for my regular readers..he is special...if you think I am rude for writing this where he might read it, you are correct, I am rude, but I know him well enough to know that this long winded paragraph lost him at "this post..." so if you all keep our secret, he will never know I was speaking poorly of him...good thing he is hot

Dear Dale,
Having fun, Love Maine

Today we painted

took boat ride

to Eastport, Maine

there were starfish

And Boats! water cold!

Found sea glass!

Invited to Dinner at nice people's house

Went to Jazz concert ...this is Lubec from boat
love you!


Higleys said...

Me. Like much. :)

Alison said...

Wow! I want to do that too. I'm glad that you two are having fun. I have your boys for the next 30 hours or so, so we will be having less relaxing adventures.