Jul 20, 2010

More from Maine

Today we painted a lighthouse....This is the West Quoddy Lighthouse...

I painted this view, while Melissa took a much bolder approach and sat right down next the lighthouse and painted...

Melissa getting into her zone...

After painting we spent several hours working with a glass artist..she is married to a sculptor and sculpts figures, but her true speciality is sculpting children...she is amazing...she had Melissa and I work with glass...we are hooked! We both loved it!
After all of our projects we had dinner at our host's friends house. We spent all evening sharing stories. She is a painter and he is a brilliant writer and painter. Both had fantastic jobs in their real life and decided to come here for retirement...now their life is full of events, concerts, gallery showings and occassionally entertaining a stray visitor who stumbles upon their town by one lucky circumstance or another...


*~Petra~* said...

I am so jealous! What an amazing opportunity and what an incredible week you must be having. It looks absolutely beautiful there!

Denise said...

This is so great for you! You are a great artist and I didn't realize you would be participating. Melissa definitely has some of your talent. I don't know if you are talking about stained glass, but I was into it before Jackson was born and have all of the equipment. I can't wait to get back into it, but since I'm always pregnant or bfing there hasn't been a great time to work with lead. Have so much fun!

Cindy said...

What a gorgeous lighthouse!! We'll see if we can keep the boys on track while you are away. You are both so talented. Have fun!!

Karen said...

How fun! What a great experience for the two of you to be able to go to such a beautiful place and focus on art for the week.