Jun 23, 2010

Mother of the year nominations...

My friend Denise wrote about her desire to be nominated for mother of the year on her blog, http://denisesdiscourse.blogspot.com/ , So I thought I would throw my hat in the rink for a nomination...! Here's why I shoud win...

My children know the value of discipline:

I found out that one of my children (not naming anyone, but you can probably guess) Duct Taped Greg to the wall...while I was home...and I didn't even know, they did it all by themselves...

My children know the value of exercise:

The other day Alex decided to work out...he took my ankle weights and put them on his ankles... he then decided to wear the weights while he jumped into the deep end of the pool...I stopped him, re-educated him on some aspects of water safety, confiscated the weights, and sent him on his merry way, did I mention I was a lifeguard..you would think my kids would be well versed in water safety.....

mother of the year, can Denise and I share the crown?


Alison said...

That's a close one between you and Denise. Maybe I should jump in the contest too.

Higleys said...

I'm thinking I could post a self nomination too. The duct tape is funny. The weights made my heart stop a little.

CR said...

Hilarious! OK, you and Denise can share the crown, but I still hold the crown for biggest slacker mom!

hdknowles said...

Looks like there will be more entries into the contest. It might be hard to vote for just one. It's so nice to have someone to vote for other than politicians.

Denise said...

Ok, you can share it with the duct tape. I think the weights really were a good parenting move. I mean, you got to him BEFORE he actually jumped in, right?

Cindy said...

Alex will keep you in the running for many years to come, I'm sure. Between you and Denise, it's just too hard to decide.

Cindy said...

P.S. You've been to too many hockey games this year. You are supposed to toss your hat into the ring not the rink.

Karen said...

The duct tape is great! I see everything from an older siblings perspective, so I'm thinking he probably deserved it ;)