Alison and gang came to stay for a few days...Her kids play so well with mine that we hardly notice they are here!! My kids smother little Matt with so much attention that I think he is happy when it's time to leave...Since he was really little he has always enjoyed eating...he always makes the "mmmmmm" sound while he eats..I have been meaning to video him doing it forever, but kept is getting less noticeable, so we decided to get it on camera before he completely stops doing are some videos of little Matt really enjoying his meals! And just for fun we threw the one of him rocking out with the guitar...he gets his guitar skills from his grandpa Kelley...
He is so big! Wow. He is adorable too. He looks just like Drew. He may not grow out of making that noise when he eats. The last time I heard Uel Hansen do that he was heading out for his mission!
It is so great that you two ladies could get together with all of your adorable kids-es! I love that Wawent too! And Denise, good ol' Uel Hansen, I wonder how he is doing these days.
Alex is a good filmmaker, and I'm glad that someone had the foresight to capture Matt's sounds. I must say, I feel the same way about captain crunch cereal.
And, thanks again for letting us stay. As usual, everyone had a great time and they want to move there.
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