WED.-Cut down 6 trees and drag branches into woods (dale and friend did the cutting down, I did the dragging)
-Volunteer in Melissa's studio art class
-Take David and Greg to their game and Alex to baseball practice, arrange ride for Shawn to get to mutual while Dale teaches Webelos at church
-Clean house, starting with outside..(Decks from sawdust, pool and deck from debris from trees, etc etc) Begin cleaning inside of house in preparation for graduation party for Forreste on Friday,also grocery shop and work on gift for Dale's B-Day (A portrait of him)
-get signature from principal on Grant application
-Make storage room into play room upstairs and then clean kids bedrooms..
-Go to Alex's baseball game
-errands (post office, drugstore, pool store, etc)
-pick up son from school after long chat with principal because after 8 years in school my son finally decided to punch a kid in the face who was starting trouble with him....take said son to Pizza Hut for finally standing up for himself (If I sound like a crappy parent, you have to know my child..this is a kid who actually will ASK me BEFORE he hits his brothers, and I promised him pizza hut when a kid slammed his head into the window in 2nd grade..he is in 8th grade! His pizza hut lunch has been a long time coming)
-Clean house and decorate in preparation for party
-be completely proud of Forreste's accomplishments and tear up during slide show of her life...remembering specifically what I was doing the day I got the call that she was that point Kevin didn't know if she would be Alair Forreste or Forreste Alair...Forreste Alair sounded right to me then and still does...also noticing the irony that my daughter looks more like Forreste than any other member of any of our families..and they aren't even blood related..something to that I think...
-ball game in the morning
-take shawn to his ball game while dale takes the little boys and teammate to game..keep score at shawns game and beem with pride as he hits the ball so hard that the people next to me say "wow, what a hit!" and they didn't even know I was his mom! he is coming into his own...He hits every at bat...I call him old reliable...
-have cookout for Dale's birthday with his family..including having crazy kids ignore debris in the pool and the cloudy cold day to swim!.getting beat at scrabble by Wendy (DARN IT!)
-clean, clean and more clean
Church and sleep, sleep sleep, watch uplifting movie with Dale.."the ultimate gift"
play pictionary with Dale and kids
Clean, run (ready for a 5k again!) clean and clean, lots of phone calls to arrange schedule
-Dale take little boys to hockey
-Take Melissa to Enrichment fair at school
strength training, laundry, pool cleaning, update blog (just to avoid doing errands)
On tap for Wednesday-
Shawn- game and scouts
Alex-practice and scouts
Melissa- activity day girls and her b-day
David Game and scouts
Greg- game
Dale- pitching coach for ALex's team, webelos leader
Tammy -camp clinic and Funeral, help with art extravaganza
(not to mention me declining Shawn's help for a service project for this night also)
yes, we have finally met our match..we have shuffled schedules extremely well, but I think tomorrow marks the first time we will have to bail out of more responsibilities than we attend to...
I have nixed all scouting activities for the night...I have arranged rides for Shawn..Dale will handle the other three boys things (with help from some good friends), Melissa will have a super fun birthday by spending the day with her best friend in the whole world, going to movies and hanging out(thank goodness for good friends!) and I am desperately trying to do something about the planned camp clinic because I will be attending the funeral and bailing on the art extravaganza...whew...I am really looking forward to THURDAY!!
picture of new play room...I am way excited to have one room in the house that will always be messy..this is a perfect compromise for kids that really need to be messy, and a mom who really wants things clean..!
trees are down, let there be light!!! Sunlight that is! This is also a perfect compromise...we left one tree, so the pool always has a shady spot, but it will always have sun also! And the trees we got rid of were responsible for about 70% of the leaves in the pool.. another bonus to cutting the trees down..we put the cover on the pool and with 2 sunny days the temperature went up 6 degrees..I LOVE free heat!!! At that rate..with two more sunny days on tap, we will be ready for this weekend!
so thats the weekly grind...!
Sounds like my life except I have less sports to get to and more diapers and screaming to attend to. I'm already hating sitting at baseball for 3 hours 3 days a week while entertaining the babies. Jimmy says I should just get used to it. Didn't you forget your birthday? I hope you did something great for it. Happy Birthday, btw.
I don't want to read your blog ;P, you make me feel lazy and so disorganized. I was tired just reading all you do in a week. I am also ultra jealous of the sleep on Sunday, although you obviously earn it. :) Sounds like a full and busy life.
I'm with Kristen, I get tired reading what you do, but glad I got to share some of it with you. You are about as "Supermom" as it gets, or maybe it's "Hypermom." Having been through some of this myself, you will look back and be really glad that you went to the baseball games, concerts, etc. when they are all grown up.
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