Nov 14, 2011

Where have I gone?

I know I hardly blog these days...I miss it...I love sharing little tid bits of life...

So many things in this world make me laugh, cry, mad, glad, grateful, angry, etc etc, I wish I could share them all with you..

I am so so blessed to have amazing friends and family to share so many moments with, but I definitely miss being able to blog them.

So Where have I gone, and WHY don't I blog much???

In September I started teaching Early morning Seminary...for those who don't know, seminary is a class that begins at 6:00 am EVERY school day. This year we are studying the Old Testament.

I LOVE teaching...but it definately cuts into my downtime and my blogging time!


Denise said...

Oh boy, Lissa! Early Morning deserve a medal!

Cindy said...

All of the early morning seminary teachers I've ever known have been incredible people. I sent mine a thank you note when I was about 50 years old. Bless you!

Leslie B said...

Hey Tammy! Good to see updates on your fam here! Miss you

Karen said...

It is a huge undertaking. The planning takes just as long or longer than the teaching I'm sure. At least it is at your house, right?