May 9, 2011

Which one would you choose?

I had a great Mother's Day..Breakfast in Bed, Homemade Cards, A clean house, and dinner at a park with family! I have the greatest kids and the most thoughtful husband and terrific in laws! What could top that??

Naturally, I want to share a picture of my great day with you all. Which one best captures the day...
This one without Dale and with grumpy kids,?

OR, this one with Dale, Happy Kids and one misplaced hand??


Cindy said...

I have seen a picture of Greg's grandfather with the same hand placement when he was about the same age (at his father's Master's Degree graduation at U of MD). Does it run in the family or is it a gender thing? I had a great time too. It was a perfect evening.

Wendy K said...

It looks like he's just holding up his shorts

*~Petra~* said...

Uh... how about photoshop? :)

Jenni said...

I actually didn't notice until you pointed it out. You can always photoshop it though.