Dec 4, 2010

My Dinner is spoiled, how about yours?

Dale and I went to Panera bread the other day for a quick lunch. I noticed all these funny little numbers on the menu that weren't prices. After staring, I finally realized that they were calorie totals. Thats right, posted right near the food is it's calorie content. I thought, "man, thats interesting. If I were Panera I might not have chosen to post calorie counts," ...After reviewing it carefully, I scanned for the smallest number and ordered the chicken soup.

Today we had a very busy day. 3 games before noon. I was picking up the last kid from a birthday party at 1:00 pm and decided to take the three kids into Burger King for a quick lunch before we went home. (I eat cheeseburgers about once every 2 months..Today was the day, I was dying for a nice big juicy cheeseburger!)

OH MY GOSH! Calories posted HERE also!?!? I knew something was up. There is no way that a restauraunt known for it's high calorie menu would CHOOSE to post those numbers. I asked the cashier...she informed me that they were required to. She wasn't sure who was requiring them to, but they had recently rushed to get them posted.

I scanned the menu looking for the smallest number once again so I could eat without feeling awful. Would you know that the smallest number is NOT the whopper jr? or the fries, or the chicken was the thank you. I ordered 3 kid's meals and a diet coke.

I came home and looked it up. It is legislation signed into law in March and taking effect for 2011. Every big chain is required to post calories. I want to cry. No more guilt free, completely satisfying, greasy burgers for us. My occassional indulgence into junk food is gone, and I am not sure how I feel about it.

On one hand, I am happy, I can see that it has already saved me over 1000 calories this week...on the other hand, I feel like a child, being told "thats not healthy, tsk tsk tsk"....I KNOW it's not healthy, thats why I don't eat it everyday!

Not to mention that I am seriously concerned for these businesses. Many of them are franchises operated by a local owner. I am sure business will suffer from this. I feel bad for owners who spent their life savings on buying those franchises. I guess it levels the playing field for small mom and pop restaraunts and Deli's everywhere.

I am also not entirely comfortable with the long arm of government extending ever closer to my personal choices. Definately not a fan of that, even when it's packaged as "good for everyone"

Anyway, my dinner has been spoiled, whats your opinion?


Denise said...

Personally, I will love it. Of course, I haven't seen any listings yet but I'm excited that they are coming, now that you've told me. I felt like a freak last year when I had to ask whereever I went about what was in the food. I know this won't fix that issue, but now that my only diet restriction is calories, I will make my day! I don't think there is any harm in being informed. I also don't think I will avoid the places...I'll just do a better job with my choices. I think people like you (a cheeseburger every two months) are few and far between. I wish I had that kind of will power! But, that is why you are a tiny little person and I am not. So, for us fatty's-trying-not-to- be I think it's a great thing.

On another note, I'm wondering how you are, my friend. I've tried to reach you a few times. Send me an email. I miss you. I hope I can see you in a few weeks.

Denise said...

That was loaded with mistakes, sorry!

Cindy said...

It appears that my fast food days are over. Or maybe I'll find out that some of my favorites are really low in calories. We can hope, can't we?

Wendy K said...

Considering how obese and uneducated some Americans are, I do think that it's somewhat a good idea as long as the nutrition information is posted somewhere accessible, not necessarily in the menu, but on the wall and/or on the internet or something. Though, I'm afraid that some of these people won't even know what a calorie count even means and will still ignore it. As for myself, I need all of the calories that I can get and if I limited myself, I would have no energy and would totally die of starvation.

*~Petra~* said...

I think this will be good for me... a constant reminder that I shouldn't be eating it.

I bet this is partly to protect the companies... I read about some woman suing McDonalds because she said "they made her fat." (Since when did they force the food down anyones throat?) This at least protects them from people like that!