Sep 13, 2010

funny little things...

my poor poor neglected blog...thanks for always being there when I have something I want to share...(and for being there when I actually get around to sharing it!!)

I am amused by life, I am usually laughing in my head if not out loud. here are some things that have made me laugh and I just want to save them...

Shawn: (This morning on the way to seminary after realizing that I had arranged the carpool): "Mom, your like...your kinda like the um....the Chief..."

Shawn: (Telling me about theater arts class) "I was paired up with a girl the whole period so we would get to know each other...... Me: "What did you tell her about you?"..."Nothing, she didn't give me a chance to talk".....

Alex (who is in 7th grade): "Mom, don't get Shawn a phone, he is only in ninth grade" Me: "whenever shawn gets one is when you most likely will"...Alex:..."oh..well get him one in 7th grade then"

And something from my sweet, thoughtful, and perfect daughter!

Melissa: "Mom, can I have snack money?" Me: "Is there enough change in the drawer for all of you?" Melissa: No, I am getting it for my brothers...

David: "I wish my dad could be my hockey coach...he would be the best hockey coach...except he can't skate...not even at all.." (David immitates Dale skating by throwing his arms around, like a guy loosing his balance..)

Greg: (who is a goalie for ice hockey, overhearing Melissa and I talking about Craigslist): "There is a Greg's list?? whats on it? Goalie pads and helmets?" Me: "No buddy, we are talking about buying a Doll for Melissa on CRAIGSLIST" Greg: "Mom, What are YOU talking about, NOT MY list, CRAIG's LIST..., Craig is the goalie for the 1980 Olympic team?...why would he have doll's on his list!?"


Denise said...

Love it! And, glad to see you back. I figured when school started you'd find your way back to the blog!

Higleys said...

Craig's list brought a tear to my eyes from laughing. Love it