Aug 6, 2010

Emileah and Kenna

(pronounced Emily)

There have been times in my life when I have called on the Lord for mercy, love, forgiveness and grace, I have been so humbled by His willingness to offer it and by how much he has offered me. Every once in a while, there is something so important that I feel the need to enlist everyone I know. I am asking you to call upon all the love, mercy and grace that the Lord would normally offer you, and ask him to give it to someone who is in desperate need.

Emileah is Wanda's 24 year old daughter. I have known her since she was 6 months old. She is my foster sister. She has always been the sweetest person. Even as a teenager she was so sweet that watching her get into trouble was more amusing than worrisome. She fell in love and married her husband at 20. She supported him finishing school, and became pregnant. After her incredibly cute high maintenance son was born she became a mom full time. She became pregnant shortly after with baby #2. Last year her sweet baby Kenna was born. Emileah was thrilled and ecstatic at how low maintenance baby number two was. A month after Kenna was born, a serious medical issue became apparent. Kenna's liver was not functioning, at all. Kenna was very jaundice and terminally ill. She needed a liver transplant.

They were told that a liver transplant could not happen until Kenna was 'more sick' (close to death) Emileah and her husband have actually waited for their sweet baby to become more and more sick since she was born. Emileah and her family were here in April, and Kenna was happy, but very jaundice, with a swollen belly. Since their visit, Kenna has gotten more and more fussy as the pain became greater and she became sicker. The past few months have been incredibly tough for Emileah with a sick baby and a high maintenance 2 year old and a husband finishing school while working full time.

Kenna had finally progressed to the point where a liver transplant was possible. Not wanting to take their chances and wait for a donor, Emileah was tested and found to be a suitable live donor for Kenna. (In liver transplants, they only need a small portion of the liver)

On Wednesday, their incredibly dedicated doctor worked for five hours carefully removing a portion of Emileah's liver, and then transported the liver personally to another hospital where Kenna was waiting to recieve it. The same dedicated Doctor worked 8 hours to transplant the liver into Kenna, finishing at 1:30 in the morning.

The surgeries were successful. Emileah is a small person and her liver was perfect size for Kenna.
If this transplant takes, Kenna's chance of survival went from 0% to 60% for the next 3 years. The next two weeks are critical for Kenna.

We have come so far with this, I am asking for your prayers and your faith to help them get through recovery and to help Kenna's body accept this transplant.

Thank you for taking the time to read this, and thank you for your prayers.


Denise said...

That is so sad! I'm happy that she was able to have the transplant, though. I will offer up some good ones asking for the transplant to be accepted properly.

*~Petra~* said...

Oh wow. What a horrible experience for them. I will offer up some prayers too!

Wendy K said...

I can imagine how terrible this whole experience is since I have a baby girl that I love so much myself. :( Kenna was 7-8 months old when they visited our ward last spring. They will also be in my prayers. I hope that you'll post again in a few weeks how they're doing.

Cindy said...

OF COURSE, Kenna will be in our prayers.

MaryBeth said...

Tammy, that is just horrible. I remember doctors telling us that Lily and Aren weren't sick enough to have bone marrow transplants and how frustrating that was. This family will be in my thoughts and prayers.

Karen said...

Thanks for writing about that so we can all send our positive thoughts and prayers Tammy. Keep us posted.

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