Mar 22, 2010

Where have I been??

I have been here! Not sure why I haven't blogged, I have no excuses! We have been enjoying the weather, playing baseball, basketball and in-hockey ...I am going to stop playing with them soon...they make me look silly...!

We just added a new neice to our family and getting to hold her was so wonderful! There is nothing like holding a newborn baby! She is beautiful!

The critters are all coming out in droves! Squirrels and baby bats and birds, birds and birds! The birds are beautiful, but I wish they would figure out that flying into the window hurts, but they keep doing it, over and over and over! I love all the little critters and love the spring when they all come back and scury to and fro!

speaking of scurring to and fro, thats what we always seem to be doing!

Greg and David are continuing to play hockey...David has one more tournament this weekend and then their season will be done. They will continue to play pick up hockey until the rink closes in the summer.

Here is Greg during his 'Jamboree' on Saturday...For some reason a player on the other team kept skating up to Greg and taunting him...luckily Greg has 4 older siblings and knew exactly what to do...I was laughing to much to get the camera out quickly, but here is the tail end of it..., the kid didn't do it anymore after this...

Here is Greg in action...

Melissa is continuing Art classes with our very talented art teacher. Right now she is studying Cezanne..yesterday we went to the Baltimore Museum of Art to see the Cezanne exhibit, on friday we went to Walter's art Gallery in Baltimore with her 4th grade. It was really good for Melissa and her buddies to see all these different artists and to see how their painting styles are similar. She also got to see a very impressive sculpture made of 'found objects' which is what she just finished studying. I feel fortunate to have the art program that we have and for her to be able to indulge in her passion. We met up with my foster sister who lives in Baltimore. She is finishing her degree in Art and she has been terrific with supporting and encouraging Melissa and Melissa's passion.

Here is an example of a Cezanne inspired artist From the Baltimore Museuam of Art Cezanne exhibit...lots of colors and chunky brush strokes...

Here is Melissa's Cezanne inspired 'Apples'...

Shawn, Alex , David and Greg will all be playing baseball this season. We all went to the ballfields to practice one day and I was impressed with each of them. Greg was struggling a bit...he is used to being in a goalie helmet and wasn't as carefull as he should have been catching the baseball...after a fat lip and a bruised head we had him sit it out for a few minutes. I think he will get it figured out, but for a little while we are going to have to play catch with a tennis ball....
So thats where I have been...nothing spectacular, just not blogging! I will try to do better


Karen said...

That first video is hilarious. He is a really good goalie! Melissa's painting is absolutely beautiful! It is great she is surrounded by people who encourage her.

CR said...

Wow, Melissa is amazing! I can't believe that painting was done by a kid!

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